Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Artist high!

Yesterday was a great art day. I hung 75 of my photographs for a project almost a year in the making, and I delivered a customized guitar (to be used as art) that made my customers happy.

Woot woot!

I wish everyday could feel like this!

I can't help but sing "Don't Stop Believin'" in my head :)

Friday, November 4, 2016

Painty hands and lots of research

Hello blog buddies! Thanks for stopping by! I've got A LOT to chat about, but I'll keep this brief for today. I'm already on hour 4 of computing and I'm getting a bit antsy to go outside and play in the leaves.

I recently had a few holiday vending days get cancelled do to admin stuff at the host location, so I'm busy finding new opportunities. As of this writing I'm waiting to hear back from 2 new locations. Painty fingers crossed!

At the same time I'm riding the learning curve of both a new iPad and YouTube. Here's a link to my YT channel, go have a look-see if you wouldn't mind :)FilomenaJackStudio on YouTube

Cheers dears!
Filomena :)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Every new beginning...

So today, Oct. 17, 2016, begins a new chapter for me and my family...

I gave up a really good job (re: bennies, a comfy chair, nice peeps) for a life as a full time artist.
My husband and I have been working towards this for a while, so we have a plan for the temporary financial change, but it still feels a little bit counter to what society might describe as the correct path to choose. Just last night an uncle expressed concern about our plan...because he loves us and wants us to be able to support ourselves.  We get it, the concern, but I think we are at the right place and time for this move.  So we here we are! :)

I've just uploaded a new video on my YouTube channel...go have a listen, I share more about this new chapter and would love for you to join me on this journey.

Filomena :)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Art tent tour in Hammondsport

Here's my video on YouTube...just a short tour of my tent at the Hammondsport arts fair.
My booth took 3rd place in my division. Nice!!

Thanks for watching and please subscribe for more video fun :


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I'm taking a class!

I live near Corning NY where luckily we have a few galleries and museums for me to loiter about in often. :)  One of my favorites is the West End Gallery. WEG showcases some of the region's best painters, including Martin Poole.

Sigh. I heart his work so much...and now I'm getting to take a class with him!

Yay!!!  The class is June 4th and 5th at 171 Cedar Arts...there may still be room if you're interested in signing up.  This 2 day class is called: The Portrait: Heads on a Textured Surface.   2 things I love a lot: heads and texture! Woot!

I have a bit of the "nervous-tingle"...there are sure to be some really fine painters in this class...let's just say, I'm going to find an easel in the BACK of the room :) 

I'm also feeling a bit of the "pride-tingle"...a few years ago I would have NEVER even had the courage to sign up for such a class...even though the class description says it is appropriate for all levels...I have the feeling I wouldn't have felt ready. Now I am ready to expand and learn and shake off the "I'm not good enough" feeling.  Ack! Excitement!

Stay tuned to see what comes from this experience. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Radio Waves!

Oh gosh! I had a blast being interviewed by Sabra/Clifton Wood of The Graphic Ear (on WAYO FM, 104.3 Rochester, NY). Check it:

This was an EXCELLENT exercise in thinking, writing, and talking about my art and practice. I'm forever grateful for this experience! 

Have a listen and then come on back in a few days...I'll post my playlist and cookie recipe. You're gonna want a cookie! ;)

Monday, February 1, 2016

Radio Interview Fun!

Next week, Thur. Feb 4th @ 6pm I'm going to be interviewed by Clifton and Sabra Wood* for the radio station 104.3 FM WAYO out of Rochester NY.  Sabra is an artist and cat momma, and lives in beautiful color rich, art filled home.  She's been kind enough to invite me over a few times and served me tea. I'm a lucky gal!

Last night we went over some of the interview questions.  Wow! Sabra asked great questions that stumped me! I'm espcially surprised since I feel like I am thinking about art and process ALL THE TIME.  The radio show is called "The Graphic Ear" and investigates the interplay of visual art and music.  I was asked to provide songs that I love and support my artistic vision and process.  
Complex, right?!? 

I realized that I'm out of practice chatting about my "Whys" of art. In art school, as you may know/guess, I had to talk about it (copy/paste) ALL THE TIME.  In retrospect I believe this is one of the most important reasons to attend ArtFart School**.  AFS trains you to talk about your art. And think about your art. And write about your art. I'm out of practice! This interview is proving to be an amazing educational recharge! Yay!

Well, we'll see how it goes :) I know that to some I hold sort of "out there" beliefs and my life philosophies are not everyone's bag.  This is going to be interesting!  Hope you can tune in!  It may be fun to listen to me struggle to not curse. :)

I'll be posting my play list, even the songs that don't make it on air. I'm calling it my "Sophie's Choice" play list. Because, com'mon!!! Who can choose? 

*inside joke!
**official term

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Art books course

Started a class to guide me through the process of publishing art books. Think: kids' books, quirky interest books, etc.

I'm excited! Soooo many ideas!

Here are my "notes" from the first session.

Join me as I chronical my progess :)

Wish me luck!!
Xo Filomena

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Getting digi with it

I've been doing all sorts of research about digital art. Equipment, capabilities, restrictions...My head is spinning!

Leave me a comment you have a favorite platform? 

Here's a piece from old school MS Paint and a mouse. EEK! ;) I can only go up from here lol.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Look back!

Today I thought I'd do a "look back" at paintings I worked on about a year ago. I feel like I've come a long way in a short amount of time, but also, I see that I'm still following the same themes and still striving to convey emotive expressions in my paintings.  It's fun to see these paintings again, some of which now live in far-off places.

Filomena Jack Studio

Filomena Jack Studio

Filomena Jack Studio

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lots of Littles!

Have a few fun art events coming up in the next couple of months. Working on some "littles" that hopefully will be crowd pleasers. What do you think?

Stay tuned for progress!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Join the fun!

Hop over to the Filomena Jack Studio Facebook page for even more fun :)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Caught in the act!

Started on the "big" panel yesterday. Excited! I see that there is going to be a lot of layers to this one and am currently in need of some new tubes o'paint. Stay tuned for the progress  :) 
filomena jack studio

Lefties unite! :)
How about this set up? Bird coach, dog toys, roaring fire, great view of the outdoors...this place has go it all! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

New series?

We saw Revenant last night and though I hand my hand over my eyes *a lot* I was captivated by the scenery, camera motion, and stark imagery. I wanted to sketch in the movie theater,  but didn't have my book (duh) and really wanted to stay in the movie, you know?
I sketched this drawing this morning and, as I type, am waiting for the base coat on my largest panel to date to dry.
I'm excited and a bit nervous. I guess that's the sweet spot for starting something new, right?

Monday, January 11, 2016

New backgrounds!

I've been working on some new small backgrounds.  I love the colors and the way the metallic paints shimmer! And check out that texture...yummo!

Upcoming Gallery Opening

I entered a juried show a little while back hosted by 171 Cedars Arts in Corning NY. The theme presented was "Freedom". I had a good time thinking about this topic and felt grateful that my work already used the idea of personal freedom as a major component. Here is the artist statement I presented:

  • For the last year I’ve been painting a series of modern idols and investigating religious iconography. I am full of gratitude that I live in a time and a place where I can develop and explore my own personal spiritual practice, especially via my art work. I am not required to celebrate or pray to a particular deity or in particular way.  I believe that this freedom should be shared with every person, regardless of country of origin, sex, or status.
Thankfully, I was accepted into this show and have 1 piece on display alongside about a dozen other truly talented artists. 

Hope you can come check it out. The opening is Friday January 15 at 171 Cedar St. in Corning NY. 5-7pm.

After the show I'll add a photo but for now, let's all be surprised :)