Next week, Thur. Feb 4th @ 6pm I'm going to be interviewed by Clifton and Sabra Wood* for the radio station 104.3 FM WAYO out of Rochester NY. Sabra is an artist and cat momma, and lives in beautiful color rich, art filled home. She's been kind enough to invite me over a few times and served me tea. I'm a lucky gal!
Last night we went over some of the interview questions. Wow! Sabra asked great questions that stumped me! I'm espcially surprised since I feel like I am thinking about art and process ALL THE TIME. The radio show is called "The Graphic Ear" and investigates the interplay of visual art and music. I was asked to provide songs that I love and support my artistic vision and process.
Complex, right?!?
I realized that I'm out of practice chatting about my "Whys" of art. In art school, as you may know/guess, I had to talk about it (copy/paste) ALL THE TIME. In retrospect I believe this is one of the most important reasons to attend ArtFart School**. AFS trains you to talk about your art. And think about your art. And write about your art. I'm out of practice! This interview is proving to be an amazing educational recharge! Yay!
Well, we'll see how it goes :) I know that to some I hold sort of "out there" beliefs and my life philosophies are not everyone's bag. This is going to be interesting! Hope you can tune in! It may be fun to listen to me struggle to not curse. :)
I'll be posting my play list, even the songs that don't make it on air. I'm calling it my "Sophie's Choice" play list. Because, com'mon!!! Who can choose?
*inside joke!
**official term