Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thank You Dear Patreon Supporters!

Hi there art lovers! I’m running a special promotion over on my Patreon page...become a patron and I’ll send you your tier gift PLUS a fabu art postcard this month. This promo ends August 20th, 2019. Tiers begin at just $2 per month. It’s an easy peasy way to stay connected and support the arts!

Your support allows me to help bring free and low cost art programming to the world. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY ARTY HEART! I’M SHOUTING!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Hi! Hello! How are ya?  Did you see that on the events page at Filomena Jack Studio there are new classes?! Some of them are free, others have a fee...all well worth your time! Hope to see you in a class or two :)

Gracie, Nigel, and Rebecca say hello!

Make Friends with me on Sat. Feb. 9th from 12-2 at my studio in Hornell. $25 per person, all supplies including snacks, tea, and laughs supplied :)
12 Broadway Mall Hornell, rear of the building under the black fire escape. Bring a friend, make a friend! Email today to save your spot: