Sunday, September 26, 2021

Art classes on demand

 Hey there art lover! Did you know that you can watch a few of my art classes FOR FREE over on my YouTube channel? It's true!

Here are just a couple, but check out all my playlists for more art fun!

(Here's me, excited that you're going to make art!)

(oh, and my blouse can be found on my art gift site:

Saturday, September 25, 2021

PUMPKIN WEATHER!!! (yes, I'm shouting!)

 I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the fall. The air! The trees! The best holidays of all (Halloween and Thanksgiving!)...and an official holiday: Inktober. 

Inktober if you don't know, is a world wide inking/art challenge where you create an inky art piece everyday in October. I've participated each year, I can't remember, but it's been a lot of years.

Here's an option for your sketches this year (it's from my art collection on my gift page):

Here are the 2021 Inktober prompts and hashtags associated with the event. I can't wait to see what you create!

Friday, September 17, 2021

That's one BIG mural!

This fun lady was completed in FIVE weeks  and is about 3,000 square feet. (wow, that's a lot of brick!)

She can be visited at the corner of William x 2nd Streets in Elmira, NY :)

Thursday, September 16, 2021

What a good dog!

 I recently completed a painting of the very charming and patient Gaya pup! Look at that pitty smile! I took this painting in a new direction...less folk arty and more photo realistic. What do you think?

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Newest Mural Complete!

 Wow! What a fun time I've had working on a commissioned mural for the Watkins Glen Area Camber of Commerce! 

Yesterday was the ribbon cutting and I really felt like I was living my best life (I am!).

Thanks to my friend J.D. Iles for the photo!

I'm looking forward to new projects coming soon...including some spray paint excitement!

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

More free art! 5/15/21 at 11am


Join me at Community Arts of Elmira on Lake St. ! Please register at

I can’t wait to hear your ideas for new public art!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Free art class each Thursday!

 Join me on Facebook each Thursday at 2pm ET for a free paint along class! Think of me at the "Bob Ross of the Southern Tier" LOL :)

Free Live Stream Class!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Thank you for your support!

Thanks for checking in on the Filomena Jack Studio blog! I'd like to give a great big shout out to all my beautiful Patreon supporters! You make my heart sing!


Want to join the fun? Filomena's Patreon Page