Friday, January 12, 2018

LOVING my studio space!

"There are always flowers for those who see them." --Henri Matisse

And I want to see A LOT of flowers! 

One of my artist heroes is Ashley Longshore. Photos of her studio in New Orleans always show huge bouquets of exquisite flowers. I'm following her lead in my studio. How can you NOT be inspired with these lovelies lookin' at you all day?

I am having a great time working in my new studio space in Hornell. I feel really lucky to have found it!

 Here are a couple of paintings I started working on during my art trip in Lucca Italy. I want to create more works like this, on paper with lots of paint. My dear friend MG (also a fabu artist) says (something like): "People don't use enough paint!" She's right! Let's use ALL THE PAINT people!! (oh, and my scarf is one of my creations that can be found on my Redbubble shop)

What have you been up to? I've been busy with happy art stuff and teaching fun classes...please do check out my Instagram feed to see's purdy over there! :)


  1. LOVE IT!
    Just went to your site, your art is vivid since I first met you. Not that you ever shied away from color, but the direction you are going in is really fantastic!
    Best of luck to you

  2. that should have said "has been vivid".
