Tuesday, April 4, 2017

3 Weeks of Learning, Day 1 recap

I hit the ground running yesterday...spent a lot of the day working on my podcasting skills. I feel like there are 2 ends of the recording spectrum you can go with in this genre...techie tech tech, or low brow.  I *thought* I was going to use garage band on my beloved iPad Pro...but after spending a couple of (years), NO, just hours (I can be So dramatic!)...I just can't seem to do the stuff I want to do. More practice and touching of screens will need to happen.

I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and then found something called Boss Jock Studio.
So today I will go through the entire experiment again with this app. It was $10 and if I can get it to do what it advertises it can do it'll be well worth it. Stay tuned! (Ha! Podcast humor!)

After all this research and poking of screens I had a headache and decided to take Ruka Dog out for a walk. FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! Within seconds of being in Bryant Park my headache floated away and I felt this amazing zap of Prana...Woot!

Segue to flowers...last night I went to a live drawing meetup at the National Arts Club (ritzy!). Ugh. And Ah! But mostly ugh. Best model I've ever worked with, for sure! My drawings are abysmal. Where do the flowers come in? Well, I drew this beautiful woman so badly I should send her flowers to apologize. At least I stayed the entire time and didn't bolt during the break. I did, in a moment of "whoa is me", have a baby cry after the session, as I walked the streets of Manhattan. NYC is great like that, you can openingly cry and no one will really bother you about it.

Neil Gaiman has this great speech/book about feeling like a fraud...that the creative police are going to come and round up all your creations and supplies and throw you out of the club.  Exactly the way I was (am?) feeling. I gotta just let it go (queue that terrible song).

Tonight I'm going to a podcast info meetup. Wish me luck...I'm sure there will be less tears 😜

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